Founder-Director of the Munq(“We”) Technology School Ashot Avanesyan met with students of the specialty “Information Technologies” of Technological faculty of SHUT.

“The main mission of the Munq Technology School is to identify talents and provide them with modern, high-quality professional education. The technical knowledge gained from us will open them way to the IT market,” Avanesyan said.

At the meeting, the speaker presented the mission of the technical school, educational programs, opportunities and competitiveness of graduates in the labor market.

Touching upon the purpose of the meeting, Dean of the Faculty of Technology of SHUT Ruzanna Hakobyan noted: “One of the most important and paramount steps to achieve the goals set for the faculty is to provide quality education. And the latter begins with training, raising the level of education. I think we need to communicate more often with various IT centers in order to bring their experience to our university.”

News department of SHUT

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